As an inspiring College community, we are standing up for our members interests. Together we are demanding action to address workforce shortages and implement solutions to help reduce staff burnout.
As an inspiring College community, we are standing up for our members interests. Together we are demanding action to address workforce shortages and implement solutions to help reduce staff burnout.
Throughout 2018-19, the focus of our activity in speaking up for the profession centred around the key areas of workforce, Brexit, inclusivity, wellbeing and global health. Scroll down for a summary of actions in each of these areas.
GMC v Bawa Garba
Sir Norman Williams’ Review
Workforce strategy
Immigration and visas
Make the Healthy Choice the Easy Choice
A campaign to ensure the Scottish Government’s new policy included bold and ambitious action to change the food environment around us. We called for action on promotions, advertising, and portion size of foods high in fat, sugar and salt. A successful campaign that saw the Scottish Government commit to action on all of these areas.
Eating Out, Changing the Game
As trends shift and lifestyles evolve, we are increasingly becoming a nation of people who consume food prepared out of home (OOH). This may be in a sit-in restaurant, a drive-through burger bar, a fast-food takeaway, a sandwich shop, a coffee shop or delivered. There are a number of ways the OOH sector can become healthier than it currently is, while continuing to do what it does best – offering tasty food with convenience. Obesity Action Scotland’s campaign focused on the need for action in the following areas:
Chips to Go study
In August this year we launched the results of our survey of a number of outlets selling chips in Glasgow. This found that portion sizes were on the increase and that an average portion of chips was half the recommended calorie intake for an average woman. This report received significant media and political attention and is clear evidence of the need for change in the out of home sector.
I believe in "Inclusivity". A wider global networking with different colleagues, including doctors in training, that allows us to exchange and share our skills, knowledge and experiences. In this way, we all will be well connected and motivated each other for a better quality of patient care.
- Moe Thaw Oo
I feel very proud, and also very humbled, to be the College’s first ever female President in our four hundred year history.
- Jackie Taylor
In Autumn 2018, we launched a new membership magazine, VOICE. The introductory message from the incoming President, Professor Jackie Taylor, in the Winter 2018 edition of VOICE was the most viewed article of the year.
More than 10,000 people signed up to receive our emails. Our followers on Facebook grew by 14% to 13,605 and our followers on Twitter grew by 28% to 6,520. About 70% of our followers on Facebook live outside the UK, while about 70% of our followers on Twitter are in the UK.
We launched our President’s Bulletin in July 2018. The average open rate of 40.4% is well above the industry average (20%).